Flagmen of Lowestoft: Vice-Admiral Sir Thomas Teddeman, "Flagmen of Lowestoft: Vice-Admiral Sir Thomas Teddeman, 1620-68," oil on canvas, by the English painter Sir Peter Lely. Dated 1666. 1270 mm x 1015 mm. Courtesy of the National Maritime Museum, Greenwich, London.
Flagmen of Lowestoft: Admiral Sir William Penn, Måleriet Identifieringen :: 73072
Flagmen of Lowestoft: Admiral Sir William Penn, "Flagmen of Lowestoft: Admiral Sir William Penn, 1621-70," oil on canvas, by Sir Peter Lely. Circa 1665-1666. 1270 mm x 1015 mm. Courtesy of the National Maritime Museum, Greenwich, London.
Portrait of King Charles II Måleriet Identifieringen :: 74888